Monday, March 4, 2013

Wine Cork Mirror

Quite some time ago, I remember seeing a mirror that was lined in wine corks. However, I could not find it on the interwebs anywhere when i needed a reference! So I had to wing it a bit and im VERY excited with how it turned out!!!

Sorry for the casual picture, Currently it does not have a home yet and is waiting until i have my own place.

-I got the mirror from Ikea for 20$
-I got a HUGE box of wine corks luckily from a family friend, the selection was incredible. So because i can be a little bit (anal) at times. I spent quite a lot of time making sure i had all different kinds of cork and no 2 corks beside each other.
-You can't really tell in the picture but at the top, bottom and sides I have 4 larger corks from champagne bottles and tequila bottles to mix it up a bit.
-I bought some Gorilla glue (I can't remember how much $ but it can be found anywhere in the hardware section)
-I found online they suggest you wet the cork a bit before gluing, So I took each cork and a wet cloth. Wiped each cork with wet cloth before applying a small bit of glue and gluing it on. The glue expands so you do not need alot!!
-I had it lying down on a coffee table as i worked on it and left it like that for a few days. As you continue gluing around every once in awhile go back to what you just recently glued and push down again. Because as the glue sets it expands and will raise up off the mirror!
-So make sure you keep pressing down on your cork!!
- I believe I let it set for a couple of days, and once its set my goodness it is VERY stiff and the cork are not going anywhere!!!!!!!
- I will try and upload a better picture once it has a home :)

Now I just gave you a good reason to open the bottle of wine tonight ;)

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